Community practice and religion at an Early Islamic cemetery in highland Central Asia

TitleCommunity practice and religion at an Early Islamic cemetery in highland Central Asia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBullion E, Maksudov F, Henry ER, Merkle A, Frachetti M
Pagination628 - 645
Date Published04/2022

Archaeological studies of Early Islamic communities in Central Asia have focused on lowland urban communities. Here, the authors report on recent geophysical survey and excavation of an Early Islamic cemetery at Tashbulak in south-eastern Uzbekistan. AMS dating places the establishment of the cemetery in the mid-eighth century AD, making it one of the earliest Islamic burial grounds documented in Central Asia. Burials at Tashbulak conform to Islamic prescriptions for grave form and body deposition. The consistency in ritual suggests the existence of a funerary community of practice, challenging narratives of Islamic conversion in peripheral areas as a process of slow diffusion and emphasising the importance of archaeological approaches for documenting the diversity of Early Islamic communities.
