Determination of the the H3 factor in hydrogen isotope ratio monitoring mass spectrometry

TitleDetermination of the the H3 factor in hydrogen isotope ratio monitoring mass spectrometry
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsSessions A.L, Burgoyne T.W, Hayes J.M
JournalAnal Chem
Date PublishedJan 15
ISBN Number0003-2700 (Print)0003-2700 (Linking)

The H3 factor, K, is a parameter required in high-precision, mass spectrometric analyses of hydrogen isotopic abundances. When H2 is used as the sample gas, R* = R - Ki2, where R* is the true HD/H2 ratio, R is the observed (mass 3)/(mass 2) ion-current ratio, and i2 is the ion current at mass 2. Four different methods for the determination of K were defined and tested under conditions characteristic of isotope ratio monitoring systems. Three of these were peak-based. The fourth employed steady flows of H2 from a conventional inlet system. Results obtained using the latter method were more precise (standard deviation of K = 0.1 versus approximately 0.6 ppm mV(-1) for the peak-based methods). However, use of the resulting values of K for correction of isotope ratio monitoring GC/MS results led to systematic errors as large as 9 per thousand, whereas use of the peak-based values led to no systematic errors. Values of K were only weakly dependent on the pressure of He, declining approximately 5% for each 10-fold increase in P(He). Small variations in partial pressures of H2O and CH4, potential contaminants under isotope ratio monitoring conditions, had no significant effect on values of K.
