Developments in Radiocarbon Technologies: From the Libby Counter to Compound-Specific Ams Analyses

TitleDevelopments in Radiocarbon Technologies: From the Libby Counter to Compound-Specific Ams Analyses
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsPovinec P.P, Litherland A.E, von Reden K.F
Date Published2009
ISBN Number0033-8222
Keywordsaccelerator mass-spectrometry, black-sea shelf, liquid scintillation techniques, low-level c-14, natural-abundance radiocarbon, negative-ion source, polycyclic aromatic-hydrocarbons, proportional counter, salt-marsh sediments, sedimentary organic-carbon

We review developments in radiocarbon measuring techniques from the Libby counter through proportional gas counters and liquid scintillation spectrometers to the more recent developments of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), followed by a coupling of gas chromatography with AMS for compound-specific (14)C analyses. While during the first 60 yr of (14)C measurements beta counting, specifically gas counting, was the dominant technique, in the future of (14)C science AMS will be the dominant technology.