Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Ge T, Wang X, Zhang J, Luo C, Xue Y |
Volume | 58 |
Pagination | 517-529 |
Date Published | SEP |
Type of Article | Article |
ISSN | 0033-8222 |
Keywords | continental margin, dissolved inorganic carbon, East China Sea, radiocarbon, stable carbon isotope |
Abstract | This article presents a modified method for extraction of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from seawater for radiocarbon measurement by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Standard tests indicate that the extraction efficiencies of DIC are >96%, and the respective precisions of. Delta C-14-DIC and delta C-13-DIC analyses are 6% and 0.1% or better. Using the method, we report. Delta C-14-DIC profiles collected from the shelf and slope in the East China Sea (ECS) of the northwest Pacific Ocean. Both the DIC concentration and. Delta C-14-DIC in the shelf and slope regions seem primarily affected by the Kuroshio Current. It is estimated that 54-65% of the bottom water in the shelf region could be from the intrusion of Kuroshio intermediate water, which carries a high concentration and low. Delta C-14 values of DIC, and which influenced the DIC and its Delta C-14 signature on the shelf. Compared with the. Delta C-14-DIC profiles at other sites in the northwest Pacific reported previously, it appears that the. Delta C-14-DIC distributions are mainly controlled by the major oceanic currents in the region, and large variations in. Delta C-14-DIC occurred mostly in the upper 800m of the water column. The similarity of. Delta C-14-DIC at depth suggests that the deep-water circulation patterns have been relatively stable in the northwest Pacific Ocean in the last 20 yr. |
DOI | 10.1017/RDC.2016.23 |