Dual carbon isotope (δ13C and Δ14C) characterization of particulate organic carbon in the Geum and Seomjin estuaries, South Korea

TitleDual carbon isotope (δ13C and Δ14C) characterization of particulate organic carbon in the Geum and Seomjin estuaries, South Korea
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsKang S, Kim J-H, Ryu J-S, Shin K-H
JournalMarine Pollution Bulletin
Date PublishedJan-01-2020
Keywordscarbon isotopes, dam, Estuary, Geum estuary, organic carbon, particulate, Seomjin estuary

We investigated the source, composition, and reactivity of particulate organic carbon (POC) in two contrasting Korean estuary systems, a closed estuary (Geum) (i.e., with an estuary dam at the river mouth) and an open (Seomjin) estuary. A dual isotope (δ13CPOC and Δ14CPOC) approach was applied to surface water samples collected along a salinity gradient in August 2016. Our results indicate that phytoplankton-derived POC was the main contributor to the total POC pool in the reservoir of the Geum estuary, while terrestrial-derived POC predominated the upper Seomjin estuary. A simple binary mixing model using Δ14CPOC revealed a higher modern POC contribution (87–90%) in the Geum estuary reservoir than that (77%) of the upper Seomjin estuary. Accordingly, it appears that an estuary dam can alter the source and reactivity of POC in a reservoir, which can be transferred to the adjacent coastal ecosystem.
