High-Resolution Climate Records from the North-Atlantic during the Last Interglacial

TitleHigh-Resolution Climate Records from the North-Atlantic during the Last Interglacial
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsMcManus J.F, Bond G.C, Broecker W.S, Johnsen S., Labeyrie L., Higgins S.
Date PublishedSep 22
Accession NumberWOS:A1994PH25400050

THE two deep ice cores recovered by the GRIP(1) and GISP(2) projects at Summit, Greenland, agree in detail over the past 100,000 years(3) and demonstrate dramatic climate variability in the North Atlantic region during the last glacial, before the current period of Holocene stability. This glacial climate instability has subsequently been documented in the marine sedimentary record of surface-ocean conditions in the North Atlantic(4). Before 100 kyr ago the two ice core records are discrepant, however, casting doubt on whether the oxygen isotope fluctuations during the last interglacial (Eemian) seen in the GRIP core(1,5) represent a true climate signal. Here we present high-resolution records of foraminiferal assemblages and ice-rafted detritus from two North Atlantic cores for the interval 65 kyr to 135 kyr ago, extending the surface-ocean record back to the Eemian. The correlation between our records and the Greenland ice-core records is good throughout the period in which the two ice cores agree, suggesting a regionally coherent climate response. During the Eemian, our marine records show a more stable climate than that implied by the GRIP ice core, suggesting that localized phenomena may be responsible for the variability in the latter record during the Eemian.
