Intcal09 and Marine09 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves, 0-50,000 Years Cal Bp Rid F-4952-2011 Rid B-7298-2008

TitleIntcal09 and Marine09 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves, 0-50,000 Years Cal Bp Rid F-4952-2011 Rid B-7298-2008
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsReimer, PJ, Baillie, MGL, Bard, E, Bayliss, A, Beck, JW, Blackwell, PG, C. Ramsey, B, Buck, CE, Burr, GS, Edwards, RL, Friedrich, M, Grootes, PM, Guilderson, TP, Hajdas, I, Heaton, TJ, Hogg, AG, Hughen, KA, Kaiser, KF, Kromer, B, McCormac, FG, Manning, SW, Reimer, RW, Richards, DA, Southon, JR, Talamo, S, Turney, CSM, van der Plicht, J, Weyhenmeye, CE
Date Published2009
ISBN Number0033-8222

The IntCal04 and Marine04 radiocarbon calibration curves have been updated from 12 cal kBP (cal kBP is here defined as thousands of calibrated years before AD 1950), and extended to 50 cal kBP, utilizing newly available data sets that meet the IntCal Working Group criteria for pristine corals and other carbonates and for quantification of uncertainty in both the (14)C and calendar timescales as established in 2002. No change was made to the curves from 0-12 cal kBP. The curves were constructed using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) implementation of the random walk model used for IntCal04 and Marine04. The new curves were ratified at the 20th International Radiocarbon Conference in June 2009 and; ire available in the Supplemental Material at