Kilimanjaro ice core records: evidence of holocene climate change in tropical Africa

TitleKilimanjaro ice core records: evidence of holocene climate change in tropical Africa
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsThompson L.G, Mosley-Thompson E., Davis M.E, Henderson K.A, Brecher H.H, Zagorodnov V.S, Mashiotta T.A, Lin P.N, Mikhalenko V.N, Hardy D.R, Beer J.
Date PublishedOct 18
ISSN0036-8075 (Linking)
Accession Number12386332

Six ice cores from Kilimanjaro provide an approximately 11.7-thousand-year record of Holocene climate and environmental variability for eastern equatorial Africa, including three periods of abrupt climate change: approximately 8.3, approximately 5.2, and approximately 4 thousand years ago (ka). The latter is coincident with the "First Dark Age," the period of the greatest historically recorded drought in tropical Africa. Variable deposition of F- and Na+ during the African Humid Period suggests rapidly fluctuating lake levels between approximately 11.7 and 4 ka. Over the 20th century, the areal extent of Kilimanjaro's ice fields has decreased approximately 80%, and if current climatological conditions persist, the remaining ice fields are likely to disappear between 2015 and 2020.
