Title | Marine radiocarbon reservoir corrections (∆R) for Chesapeake Bay and the Middle Atlantic Coast of North America |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2012 |
Authors | Rick TC, Henkes GA, Lowery DL, Colman SM, Culleton BJ |
Journal | Quaternary Research |
Volume | 77 |
Issue | 1 |
Pagination | 205-210 |
ISSN | 0033-5894 |
Abstract | Radiocarbon dates from known age, pre-bomb eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) shells provide local marine reservoir corrections (∆R) for Chesapeake Bay and the Middle Atlantic coastal area of eastern North America. These data suggest subregional variability in ∆R, ranging from 148 ± 46 14C yr on the Potomac River to − 109 ± 38 14C yr at Swan Point, Maryland. The ∆R weighted mean for the Chesapeake's Western Shore (129 ± 22 14C yr) is substantially higher than the Eastern Shore (− 88 ± 23 14C yr), with outer Atlantic Coast samples falling between these values (106 ± 46 and 2 ± 46 14C yr). These differences may result from a combination of factors, including 14C-depleted freshwater that enters the bay from some if its drainages, 14C-depleted seawater that enters the bay at its mouth, and/or biological carbon recycling. We advocate using different subregional ∆R corrections when calibrating 14C dates on aquatic specimens from the Chesapeake Bay and coastal Middle Atlantic region of North America. |
URL | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0033589411001414 |
DOI | 10.1016/j.yqres.2011.11.002 |