A Note on Reporting of Reservoir C-14 Disequilibria and Age Offsets

TitleA Note on Reporting of Reservoir C-14 Disequilibria and Age Offsets
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSoulet G, Skinner LC, Beaupré SR, Galy V
Date PublishedMAR
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordsfreshwater effect, hardwater effect, radiocarbon, Reservoir age, Reservoir effect, ventilation age

Reservoir age offsets are widely used to correct marine and speleothem radiocarbon age measurements for various calibration purposes. They also serve as a powerful tracer for carbon cycle dynamics. However, a clear terminology regarding reservoir age offsets is lacking, sometimes leading to miscalculations. This note seeks to provide consistent conventions for reporting reservoir C-14 disequilibria useful to a broad range of environmental sciences. This contribution introduces the (FR)-R-14 and R-14 metrics to express the relative C-14 disequilibrium between two contemporaneous reservoirs and the R metric as the associated reservoir age offset.
