Transient stratification as the cause of the North Pacific productivity spike during deglaciation

TitleTransient stratification as the cause of the North Pacific productivity spike during deglaciation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsLam PJ, Robinson LF, Blusztajn J, Li C, Cook MS, McManus JF, Keigwin LD
JournalNature Geoscience
Pagination622 - 626
Date PublishedFeb-07-2014
KeywordsBiogeochemistry, Marine biology, Marine chemistry, Palaeoceanography

During the Bølling–Allerød warm period of the last deglaciation, about 14 kyr ago, there was a strong and pervasive spike in primary productivity in the North Pacific Ocean1. It has been suggested that this productivity event was caused by an influx of the micronutrient iron from surrounding continental shelves as they were flooded by sea-level rise2. Here we test this hypothesis by comparing numerous proxies of productivity with iron flux and provenance measured from a core from the subarctic Pacific Ocean. We find no evidence for an abrupt deglacial pulse of iron from any source at the time of peak productivity. Instead, we argue that the deglacial productivity peak was caused by two stepwise events. First, deep convection during early deglaciation increased nutrient supply to the surface but also increased the depth of the mixed layer, which pushed surface production deeper in the water column and induced light limitation. A subsequent input of meltwater from northern American ice sheets then stratified the water column, which relieved light limitation while leaving the surface waters enriched in nutrients. We conclude that iron plays, at most, a secondary role in controlling productivity during the glacial and deglacial periods in the subarctic Pacific Ocean.
