Updated chronology for Peoria Silt (loess) accumulation in Illinois and western Indiana from radiocarbon dating of terrestrial gastropod shells

TitleUpdated chronology for Peoria Silt (loess) accumulation in Illinois and western Indiana from radiocarbon dating of terrestrial gastropod shells
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsGrimley, DA, Loope, HM, Jacobs, PM, T. Nash, A, Dendy, SN, Conroy, JL, B. Curry, B
JournalQuaternary Research
Date Published05/2024
ISSN0033-5894, 1096-0287
Keywordschronology, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Last Glacial, Loess, Peoria Silt, radiocarbon, Succineidae, Wisconsin Episode

Based on calibrated radiocarbon ages of terrestrial gastropod shells (Succineidae, Discus, Stenotrema, Webbhelix), the chronology of Peoria Silt (loess) deposition in the Central Lowlands is updated. These taxa provide reliable ages (within \textasciitilde0.2 ka), based on historical shell dating, shell-organic age comparisons, and stratigraphic consistency. A compilation of 53 new and 36 published Peoria Silt shell ages (calibrated), from 12 localities, date from 30.0 to 17.4 ka. Proximal (fossiliferous) loess from 10 sections had mean loess accumulation rates of 0.6–2.2 mm/yr. Study sites along the upper Mississippi, Illinois, to mid-Mississippi, and Ohio-Wabash Valleys suggest Peoria loess accumulated from \textasciitilde27 to 15 ka, \textasciitilde29 to 18 ka, and \textasciitilde30 to 18 ka, respectively. The cessation age for Peoria Silt, based on surface extrapolations, is \textasciitilde1–6 ka earlier than some prior Illinois estimates, even assuming slower loess accumulation in the modern solum. Younger loess in northwestern Illinois likely reflects, in part, Superior and Des Moines Lobe glacial-meltwater sediment, and Iowan Erosion Surface inputs to the upper Mississippi Valley, after the Lake Michigan Lobe receded. Furthermore, stronger winds, drier conditions, and reduced vegetation cover in valley deflation areas may have favored higher accumulation rates and later loess deposition in northwestern relative to southeastern areas.
