Variability in radiocarbon ages of individual organic compounds from marine sediments

TitleVariability in radiocarbon ages of individual organic compounds from marine sediments
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsEglinton T.I, BenitezNelson B.C, Pearson A., McNichol A.P, Bauer J.E, Druffel E.RM
Date PublishedAug 8
Accession NumberWOS:A1997XQ24700037

Organic carbon (OC) from multiple sources can be delivered contemporaneously to aquatic sediments. The influence of different OC inputs on carbon-14-based sediment chronologies is illustrated in the carbon-14 ages of purified, source-specific (biomarker) organic compounds from near-surface sediments underlying two contrasting marine systems, the Black Sea and the Arabian Sea, In the Black Sea, isotopic heterogeneity of n-alkanes indicated that OC was contributed from both fossil and contemporary sources. Compounds reflecting different source inputs to the Arabian Sea exhibit a 10,000-year range in conventional carbon-14 ages. Radiocarbon measurements of biomarkers of marine photoautotrophy enable sediment chronologies to be constructed independent of detrital OC influences.
