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Gold RD, DuRoss CB, Delano JE, Jibson RW, Briggs RW, Mahan SA, Williams RA, D. Corbett R.  2019.  Four Major Holocene Earthquakes on the Reelfoot Fault Recorded by Sackungen in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 124(3):3105-3126.
Goehring BM, Wilson J, Nichols K.  2019.  A fully automated system for the extraction of in situ cosmogenic carbon-14 in the Tulane University cosmogenic nuclide laboratory. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 455:284-292.
Balco G, Todd C, Goehring BM, Moening-Swanson I, Nichols K.  2019.  Glacial geology and cosmogenic-nuclide exposure ages from the Tucker Glacier - Whitehall Glacier confluence, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. American Journal of Science. 319(4):255-286.
Zhao N, Oppo DW, Huang K-F, Howe JNW, Blusztajn J, Keigwin LD.  2019.  Glacial–interglacial Nd isotope variability of North Atlantic Deep Water modulated by North American ice sheet. Nature Communications. 10(1)
Andrews AH, DeMartini EE, Brodziak J, Nichols RS, Humphreys RL.  2019.  Growth and longevity of Hawaiian grouper (Hyporthodus quernus) — input for management and conservation of a large, slow-growing grouper. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 76(10):1874-1884.
Andrews A, Natanson L, Wintner S, Passerotti M.  2019.  History and Mystery of Age and Growth Studies in Elasmobranchs: Common Methods and Room for Improvement. :178-194.
Curtin L, D'Andrea WJ, Balascio N, Pugsley G, de Wet G, Bradley R.  2019.  Holocene and Last Interglacial climate of the Faroe Islands from sedimentary plant wax hydrogen and carbon isotopes. Quaternary Science Reviews. 223:105930.
Hall B.L., Lowell T.V., Bromley G.R.M., Denton G.H., Putnam A.E..  2019.  Holocene glacier fluctuations on the northern flank of Cordillera Darwin, southernmost South America. Quaternary Science Reviews. 222:105904.
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Cronin TM, Clevenger MK, Tibert NE, Prescott T, Toomey M, J Hubeny B, Abbott MB, Seidenstein J, Whitworth H, Fisher S et al..  2019.  Holocene sea-level variability from Chesapeake Bay Tidal Marshes, USA. The Holocene. 29(11):1679-1693.
Axford Y., Lasher G.E, Kelly M.A, Osterberg E.C, Landis J., Schellinger G.C, Pfeiffer A., Thompson E., Francis D.R.  2019.  Holocene temperature history of northwest Greenland - With new ice cap constraints and chironomid assemblages from Deltaso. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS. 215:160-172.
Peteet DM, Nichols JE, Mann DH.  2019.  Holocene Vegetation, Climate, and Carbon History on Western Kodiak Island, Alaska. Frontiers in Earth Science. 7
Raczka M.F., Mosblech N.A., Giosan L., Valencia B.G., Folcik A.M., Kingston M., Baskin S., Bush M.B..  2019.  A human role in Andean megafaunal extinction? Quaternary Science Reviews. 205:154-165.
Mahmoudi N, Enke TN, Beaupré SR, Teske AP, Cordero OX, Pearson A.  2019.  Illuminating microbial species‐specific effects on organic matter remineralization in marine sediments. Environmental Microbiology.
Wang Y, Das O, Xu X, Liu J, Jahan S, Means GH, Donoghue J, Jiang S.  2019.  Implications of radiocarbon ages of organic and inorganic carbon in coastal lakes in Florida for establishing a reliable chronology for sediment-based paleoclimate reconstructionAbstract. Quaternary Research. 91(2):638-649.
Hlavenka JD, Abrams H, Roberts ML, Longworth BE, Fallon S.  2019.  Improved C− efficiency and ion beam currents by modifying SNICS cathode material. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 439:90-93.
Bromley GRM, Thouret J-C, Schimmelpfennig I, Mariño J, Valdivia D, Rademaker K, Lopez Sdel Pilar, Team ASTER, Aumaître G, Bourlès D et al..  2019.  In situ cosmogenic 3He and 36Cl and radiocarbon dating of volcanic deposits refine the Pleistocene and Holocene eruption chronology of SW Peru. Bulletin of Volcanology. 81(11)
Bao R, McNichol AP, Hemingway JD, Gaylord MCLardie, Eglinton TI.  2019.  Influence of Different Acid Treatments on the Radiocarbon Content Spectrum of Sedimentary Organic Matter Determined by RPO/Accelerator Mass SpectrometryABSTRACT. Radiocarbon. 61(2):395-413.
Wallace E.J, Donnelly J.P, Hengstum P.J, Wiman C., Sullivan R.M, Winkler T.S, d'Entremont N.E, Toomey M., Albury N..  2019.  Intense Hurricane Activity Over the Past 1500 Years at South Andros Island, The Bahamas. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 34(11):1761-1783.
Qin Z, Storozum M, Liu H, Zhang X, Kidder TR.  2019.  Investigating environmental changes as the driving force of agricultural intensification in the lower reaches of the Yellow River: A case study at the Sanyangzhuang site. Quaternary International. 521:25-34.
Nichols KA, Goehring BM.  2019.  Isolation of quartz for cosmogenic in situ 14C analysis. Geochronology. 1(1):43-52.
J. Nunnery A, Fritz SC, Baker PA, Salenbien W.  2019.  Lake-level variability in Salar de Coipasa, Bolivia during the past ∼40,000 yrAbstract. Quaternary Research. 91(2):881-891.
Andrews AH, Yeman C, Welte C, Hattendorf B, Wacker L, Christl M.  2019.  Laser ablation–accelerator mass spectrometry reveals complete bomb 14C signal in an otolith with confirmation of 60-year longevity for red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus). Marine and Freshwater Research. 70(12):1768.
Saravanan P, Gupta AK, Zheng H, Panigrahi MK, Prakasam M.  2019.  Late Holocene long arid phase in the Indian subcontinent as seen in shallow sediments of the eastern Arabian Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 181:103915.
