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Book Chapter
Colman S.M, Bratton J.F, Baucom P.C.  2000.  Radiocarbon dating of Marion-Dufresne cores MD99-2204, 2207, and 2209, Chesapeake Bay. Initial Report on IMAGES V Cruise of the Marion-Dufresne to the Chesapeake Bay June 20-22, 1999. Open-File Report 00-306:72-77.
Journal Article
Peck J.A, King J.W, Colman S.M, Kravchinsky V.A.  1996.  An 84-kyr paleomagnetic record from the sediments of Lake Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth. 101(B5):11365-11385.
Colman S.M, Jones G.A, Rubin M., King J.W, Peck J.A, Orem W.H.  1996.  AMS radiocarbon analyses from Lake Baikal, Siberia: Challenges of dating sediments from a large, oligotrophic lake. Quaternary Science Reviews. 15(7):669-684.
Colman S.M, Bratton J.F.  2003.  Anthropogenically induced changes in sediment and biogenic silica fluxes in Chesapeake Bay. Geology. 31(1):71-74.
Carter S.J, Colman S.M.  1994.  Biogenic Silica in Lake Baikal Sediments - Results from 1990-1992 American Cores. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 20(4):751-760.
Colman S.M, Peck J.A, Hatton J., Karabanov E.B, King J.W.  1999.  Biogenic silica records from the BDP-93 drill site and adjacent areas of the Selenga Delta, Lake Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Paleolimnology. 21:9-17.
Cronin T., Willard D., Karlsen A., Ishman S., Verardo S., McGeehin J., Kerhin R., Holmes C., Colman S.M, Zimmerman A..  2000.  Chesapeake Bay sedimentary record of Holocene climatic variability and human ecosystem disturbance. Geology. 28:3-6.
Colman S.M, Bradbury J.P, McGeehin J.P, Holmes C.W, Sarna-Wojcicki A.M, Edgington D..  2004.  Chronology of sediment deposition in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Journal of Paleolimnology. 31(2):139-149.
Colman S.M, Peck J.A, B KE, Carter S.J, Bradbury J.P, King J.W, Williams D.F.  1995.  Continental climate response to orbital forcing from biogenic silica records in Lake Baikal, Siberia. Nature. 378:769-771.
Colman S.M, Clark J.A, Clayton L., Hansel A.K, Larsen C.E.  1994.  Deglaciation, Lake Levels, and Meltwater Discharge in the Lake-Michigan Basin. Quaternary Science Reviews. 13(9-10):879-890.
Colman S.M, King J.W, Jones G.A, Reynolds R.L, Bothner M.H.  2000.  Holocene and recent rates of sediment accumulation in southern Lake Michigan. Quaternary Science Reviews. 19:1563-1580.
Colman S.M, Karabanov E.B, Williams D.F, Hearn, Jr. P.P, King J.W, Orem W.H, Bradbury J.P, Shanks, III W.C, Jones G.A, Carter S.J.  1992.  Initial Dating and Paleoenvironmental Results From Lake Baikal, Southeastern Siberia. Abstracts With Programs of the American Quaternary Association. xx:66.
Cronin T., Colman S.M, Willard D., Kerhin R., Holmes C., Karlsen A., Ishman S., Bratton J..  1999.  Interdisciplinary environmental project probes Chesapeake Bay down to the core. EOS. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union(80):237-241.
Colman S.M, Forester R.M, Reynolds R.L, Sweetkind D.S, King J.W, Gangemi P., Jones G.A, Keigwin L.D, Foster D.S.  1994.  Lake-Level History of Lake-Michigan for the Past 12,000 Years - the Record from Deep Lacustrine Sediments. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 20(1):73-92.
Orem W.H, Colman S.M, Lerch H.E.  1997.  Lignin phenols in sediments of Lake Baikal, Siberia: application to paleoenvironmental studies. Organic Geochemistry. 27(3-4):153-172.
Forester R.M, Colman S.M, Reynolds R.L, Jones G.A, Keigwin L.D, Foster D.S.  1994.  The limnological and climate history of Lake Michigan from ostracode, stable-isotope, and magnetic susceptibility records. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 20:93-107.
Julius M.L, Stoermer E.F, Colman S.M, Moore T.C.  1997.  Paleoclimatic implications of silicieous microfossil succession in late Quaternary sediments in Lake Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Paleolimnology. 18:187-204.
Oldale R.N, Colman S.M, Jones G.A.  1993.  Radiocarbon ages from two submerged strandline features in the western Gulf of Maine and a sea-level curve for the northeastern Massachusetts coastal region. Quaternary Research. 40(1):38-45.
Rea D.K, Colman S.M.  1995.  Radiocarbon Ages of Pre-Bomb Clams and the Hard-Water Effect in Lakes Michigan and Huron. Journal of Paleolimnology. 14(1):89-91.
Colman S.M, Baucom P.C, Bratton J.F, Cronin T.M, McGeehin J.P, Willard D., Zimmerman A.R, Vogt P.R.  2002.  Radiocarbon dating, chronologic framework, and changes in accumulation rates of Holocene estuarine sediments from Chesapeake Bay. Quaternary Research. 57(1):58-70.
Colman S.M, Kuptsov V.M, Jones G.A, Carter S.J.  1993.  Radiocarbon dating of Lake Baikal sediments--A progress report. Russian Geology and Geophysics. 34:55-63.
Peck J.A, King J.W, Colman S.M, Kravchinsky V.A.  1994.  A rock-magnetic record from Lake Baikal, Siberia: Evidence for Late Quaternary climate change. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 1222:221-238.
Colman S.M, Foster D.S.  1994.  A Sediment Budget for Southern Lake-Michigan - Source and Sink Models for Different Time Intervals. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 20(1):215-228.
J. Bradbury P, Bezrukova YV, Chernyaeva G.P, Colman S.M, Khursevich G., King J.W, Likoshway Y.V.  1994.  A synthesis of post-glacial diatom records from Lake Baikal. Journal of Paleolimnology. 10(3):213-252.
Colman S.M, Keigwin L.D, Forester R.M.  1994.  Two episodes of meltwater influx from glacial Lake Agassiz into the Lake Michigan basin: Contrasts in climatic and oceanographic effects. Geology. 22:547-550.
