Export 2832 results:
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
K. G. Miller, Liu, C., Browning, J. V., Pekar, S., Sugarman, P., Van Fossen, M. C., Mullikin, L., Queen, D., Feigenson, M. D., Aubry, M. P., Burckle, L. D., Powars, D., and Heibel, T., Cape May site report, Proc. ODP, Init. Repts, College Station, TX, 1996.
A. G. Grottoli, Calibration and natural variability of skeletal stable carbon isotopes in the Pacific sclerosponge acanthocheatetes wellsi: implications for reconstructing CO2 uptake in coastal tropical environments, Honolulu, 2006.
A. G. Grottoli, Calcification in sclersoponges: implications for reconstructing CO2 fluxes in the tropics, Santa Fe, NM, 2007.
J. N. Harney and Fletcher, C. H., A budget of Holocene carbonate sediments, Kailua Bay, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, 2001.
N. Beck and Hydrology, S., Blackwood Creek Strem restoration project design draft report, South Lake, Tahoe, CA, 2002.
R. Hard and Roney, J., An Archaeological Investigation of Late Archaic Cerros de Trincheras Sites in Chihuahua, Mexico, University of Texas, Center for Archaeological Research, 1999.
G. A. Piniak, The ARCADIA cruise: Assessing long-term changes in tropical reef coral distribution along the Atlantic Continental Margin, southeastern United States, Silver Spring, MD, 2006.
D. C. Campbell, Jenner, K. A., Higgins, J., and Piper, D. J. W., Analysis of piston cores and high-resolution sub-bottom profiler data, Baffin Bay slope, Nunavut, 2017.
D. L. Toom, Akata Site (32SN121) 1996 Archeological Excavations. Anthropology Research, Department of Anthropology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks (Report), Dakotas Area Office, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bismarck, ND, 2002.
C. M. Hobza and Solder, J. E., Age and water-quality characteristics of groundwater discharge to the South Loup River, Nebraska, 2019, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, 2022.
