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Journal Article
Russell J.M, Johnson T.C, Kelts K.R, Laerdal T., Talbot M.R.  2002.  An 11,000 year lithostratigraphic and paleohydrologic record from equatorial Africa: Lake Edward, Uganda-Congo. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 193:25-49.
Russell J.M, Johnson T.C, Talbot M.R.  2003.  A 725 yr cycle in the climate of central Africa during the late Holocene. Geology. 31(8):677-680.
Johnson T.C, Barry S.L, Chan Y., Wilkinson P..  2001.  Decadal record of climate variability spanning the last 700 years in the southern tropics of East Africa. Geology. 29:83-86.
Russell J.M, Johnson T.C.  2005.  An equatorial harmonic of the high latitude 1500-year cycle. Geophysical Research Letters. 32
Russell J.M, Johnson T.C.  2005.  A high-resolution geochemical record from Lake Edward, Uganda Congo and the timing and causes of tropical African drought during the late Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews. 24(12-13):1375-1389.
Johnson T.C, Brown E.T, McManus J., Barry S., Barker P., Gasse F..  2002.  A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science. 296(5565):113-32.
Johnson T.C, Kelts K., Odada E.O.  2000.  The Holocene history of Lake Victoria, East Africa. Ambio. 29:2-11.
Ricketts R.D, Johnson T.C, Brown E.T, Rasmussen K.A, Romanovsky V.V.  2001.  The Holocene paleolimnology of Lake Issyk-Kul, Kyrgystan: trace element and stable isotope composition of ostracods. Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeocecology. 176(1-4):207-227.
Russell J.M, Johnson T.C.  2007.  Little Ice Age drought in equatorial Africa: Intertropical Convergence Zone migrations and El Nino-Southern Oscillation variability RID C-1423-2010. Geology. 35(1):21-24.
Russell J.M, Johnson T.C.  2007.  Little Ice Age drought in quatorial Africa: ITCZ migrations and ENSO variability. geology. 35:21-24.
Ferronskii V.I, Polyakov V.A, Brezgunov V.S, Vlasova L.S, Karpychev YA, Bobkov A.F, Romaniovskii V.V, Johnson T.C, Ricketts R.D, Rasmussen K.A.  2003.  Variations in the hydrological regime of Kara-Bogaz-Gol Gulf Lake Issyk-Kul, and the Aral Sea assessed based on data of bottom sediment studies. Water Resources. 30:252-259.