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Filters: Author is Colman, S. M.  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
Peck J.A, King J.W, Colman S.M, Kravchinsky V.A.  1996.  An 84-kyr paleomagnetic record from the sediments of Lake Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth. 101(B5):11365-11385.
Book Chapter
Colman S.M, Bratton J.F, Baucom P.C.  2000.  Radiocarbon dating of Marion-Dufresne cores MD99-2204, 2207, and 2209, Chesapeake Bay. Initial Report on IMAGES V Cruise of the Marion-Dufresne to the Chesapeake Bay June 20-22, 1999. Open-File Report 00-306:72-77.
