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Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
M. Moros, Kuijpers, A., Snowball, I., Lassen, S., Backstrom, D., Gingele, F., and McManus, J. F., Were glacial iceberg surges in the North Atlantic triggered by global climatic warming?, Marine Geology, vol. 192, no. 4, pp. 393-417, 2002.
M. Blaauw, Wohlfarth, B., J. Christen, A., Ampel, L., Veres, D., Hughen, K. A., Preusser, F., and Svensson, A., Were last glacial climate events simultaneous between Greenland and France? A quantitative comparison using non-tuned chronologies RID E-4539-2011 RID A-2643-2010, Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 387-394, 2010.
G. C. Bond, Mandeville, C., and Hoffmann, S., Were Rhyolitic Glasses in the Vedde Ash and in the North Atlantic's Ash Zone 1 produced by the Same Volcanic Eruption?, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 20, pp. 118-1199, 2001.
C. M. Reddy, Eglinton, T. I., Hounshell, A., White, H. K., Xu, L., Gaines, R. B., and Frysinger, G. S., The West Falmouth oil spill after thirty years: the persistence of petroleum hydrocarbons in marsh sediments, Environ Sci Technol, vol. 36, no. 22, pp. 4754-60, 2002.
M. G. Winkler, Sanford, P. R., Cole, K. L., and Flakne, R. L., Western Great Lakes regional paleoenvironmental changes: island and inland contrasts, Ecological Society of America Bulletin, 1997.
M. Horowitz and Oppo, D. W., Western South Atlantic deepwater hydrography derived from benthic Cd/Ca and stable isotope data, Supplement to EOS, vol. 17, no. 78, p. 185, 1997.
J. F. McManus, Francois, R., and Marchal, O., What can paired measurements of foraminifera d13C and sedimentary 231 Pa/230Th tell us about the link between thermohaline circulation and rapid climate oscillations?, EOS, vol. 81, pp. 274-275, 2000.
D. W. Oppo, Curry, W. B., and McManus, J. F., What do benthic ? 13 C and ? 18 O data tell us about Atlantic circulation during Heinrich Stadial 1?, Paleoceanography, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 353 - 368, 2015.
U. M. Hanke, Reddy, C. M., Braun, A. L. L., Coppola, A. I., Haghipour, N., McIntyre, C. P., Wacker, L., Xu, L., McNichol, A. P., Abiven, S., Schmidt, M. W. I., and Eglinton, T. I., What on Earth Have We Been Burning? Deciphering Sedimentary Records of Pyrogenic CarbonWhat on Earth Have We Been Burning? Deciphering Sedimentary Records of Pyrogenic Carbon, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 51, no. 21, pp. 12972 - 12980, 2017.
S. Ono, When did oxygen appear in the atmosphere?, Geological Society of America, vol. Abstracts with Programs, pp. Paper No. 11-1, 2005.
R. F. Anderson, Ali, S., Bradtmiller, L. I., Nielsen, S. H. H., Fleisher, M. Q., Anderson, B. E., and Burckle, L. H., Wind-Driven Upwelling in the Southern Ocean and the Deglacial Rise in Atmospheric CO2, Science, vol. 323, no. 5920, pp. 1443-1448, 2009.
R. M. Key, Quay, P. D., Jones, G. A., McNichol, A. P., von Reden, K. F., and Schneider, R. J., WOCE AMS Radiocarbon I: Pacific Ocean results (P6, P16, and P17), Radiocarbon, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 425-518, 1996.
R. M. Key, WOCE Pacific Ocean radiocarbon program, Radiocarbon, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 415-423, 1996.
R. M. Key, Quay, P. D., Schlosser, P., McNichol, A. P., von Reden, K. F., Schneider, R. J., Elder, K. L., Stuiver, M., and Ostlund, H. G., WOCE radiocarbon IV: Pacific Ocean results; P10, P13N, P14C, P18, P19 & S4P, Radiocarbon, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 239-392, 2002.
D. J. Stanley, Chen, Z., and Song, J., Yangtze delta inundation and the discontinuity between Neolithic and younger cultures, China, Geoarchaeology, vol. 14, no. 15-26, 1998.
P. E. Newby, Killoran, P., Waldorf, M. R., Shuman, B. N., Webb, R. S., and Webb, III, T., Years of Sediment, Vegetation, and Water-Level Changes at the Makepeace Cedar Swamp, Southern Massachusetts, Quaternary Research, vol. 53, pp. 352-368, 2000.
S. Hurwitz, King, J. C., Pederson, G. T., Martin, J. T., Damby, D. E., Manga, M., Hungerford, J. D. G., and Peek, S., Yellowstone's Old Faithful Geyser Shut Down by a Severe Thirteenth Century Drought, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 47, no. 20, p. e2020GL089871, 2020.
L. Giosan, Donnelly, J. P., Constantinescu, S., Filip, F., Ovejanu, I., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Vespremeanu, E., and Duller, G. A. T., Young Danube delta documents stable Black Sea level since the middle Holocene: Morphodynamic, paleogeographic, and archaeological implications, Geology, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 757-760, 2006.
P. J. K. Puleo, Masterson, A. L., Medeiros, A. S., Schellinger, G., Steigleder, R., Woodroffe, S., Osburn, M. R., and Axford, Y., Younger Dryas and early Holocene climate in south Greenland inferred from oxygen isotopes of chironomids, aquatic Moss, and Moss cellulose, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 296, p. 107810, 2022.
T. Li, Chang, F., and Yu, X., Younger Dryas Event and formation of peat layers in the northern Yellow Sea, Earth Science Frontiers, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 322-330, 2010.
A. Koutavas and Lynch-Stieglitz, J., A Younger Dryas Temperature Reversal in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific, EOS, Transactions, AGU, 1999 Fall Meeting, vol. 80, p. 530, 1999.
B. V. Gaglioti, Mann, D. H., Wooller, M. J., Jones, B. M., Wiles, G. C., Groves, P., Kunz, M. L., Baughman, C. A., and Reanier, R. E., Younger-Dryas cooling and sea-ice feedbacks were prominent features of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Arctic Alaska, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 169, pp. 330 - 343, 2017.
G. H. Denton, Putnam, A. E., Russell, J. L., Barrell, D. J. A., Schaefer, J. M., Kaplan, M. R., and Strand, P. D., The Zealandia Switch: Ice age climate shifts viewed from Southern Hemisphere moraines, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 257, p. 106771, 2021.
Magazine Article
R. M. Key, Rooth, C. G. A., and Feely, R., Carbon and Radiocarbon in the Northeast Pacific: Implications for Abyssal Ventilation and Biogenic Input, 15th International Radiocarbon Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 1994.
P. Colinvaux, Climatic History and Darwinian Causes of High Amazonian Diversity, 8th International Palynological Congress, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1992.
