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van Soelen E.E, Lammers J.M, Eglinton T.I, Damsté J.SSinning, Reichart G.J.  2014.  Unusual C35 to C38 alkenones in mid-Holocene sediments from a restricted estuary (Charlotte Harbor, Florida). Organic Geochemistry. 70:20-28.
Thomas E., Varekamp J.C, Thaler B., Groner M..  2004.  The urban sea: anthropogenic influences on benthic foraminifera in Long Island Sound. IGC 32.
Lugolobi F., Varekamp J.C, Thomas E..  2002.  The use of carbon isotopes to trace changes in biological oxygen demand in Long Island Sound. Long Island Sound/NEERS Research Conference.
Lugolobi F., Varekamp J.C, Thomas E., Brink M.RBuchhol.  2004.  The use of stable carbon isotopes in foraminiferal calcite to trace changes in biological oxygen demand in Long Island Sound. 6th Biennual LIS Res. Conf. Proc.. :47-51.
Vargas G, Palacios C, Reich M, Luo S, Shen C-C, González G, Wu Y-C.  2011.  U-series dating of co-seismic gypsum and submarine paleoseismology of active faults in Northern Chile (23°S). Tectonophysics. 497(1–4):34-44.
Bertrand S, Araneda A, Vargas P, Jana P, Fagel N, Urrutia R.  2012.  Using the N/C ratio to correct bulk radiocarbon ages from lake sediments: Insights from Chilean Patagonia. Quaternary Geochronology. 12:23-29.
Kemp AC, Wright AJ, Barnett RL, Hawkes AD, Charman DJ, Sameshima C, King AN, Mooney HC, Edwards RJ, Horton BP et al..  2017.  Utility of salt-marsh foraminifera, testate amoebae and bulk-sediment δ13C values as sea-level indicators in Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Micropaleontology. 130:43-59.
