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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Weber N, Antler G, Lazar B, Stein M, Yechieli Y, Gavrieli I.  2022.  Hydrological and thermodynamic controls on late Holocene gypsum formation by mixing saline groundwater and Dead Sea brine. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 316:363-383.
Thatcher DL, Wanamaker A.D, Denniston R.F, Ummenhofer C.C, Asmerom Y., Polyak V.J, Cresswell-Clay N., Hasiuk F., Haws J., Gillikin D.P.  2022.  Iberian hydroclimate variability and the Azores High during the last 1200 years: evidence from proxy records and climate model simulations. Climate Dynamics. :1–23.
Heath S, Hall BL, Denton GH, Henderson GM, Hendy CH.  2022.  Ice-sheet expansion from the Ross Sea into McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, during the last two glaciations. Quaternary Science Reviews. 278:107379.
Weldeab S, Rühlemann C, Ding Q, Khon V, Schneider B, Gray WR.  2022.  Impact of Indian Ocean surface temperature gradient reversals on the Indian Summer Monsoon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 578:117327.
Sefton JP, Kemp AC, Elder KL, Hansman RL, Roberts ML.  2022.  Implications of Single-Step Graphitization For Reconstructing Late Holocene Relative Sea-Level Using Radiocarbon-Dated Organic Coastal Sediment. Radiocarbon. :1-20.
Ravichandran M., Gupta AK, Mohan K., Tiwari SK, Lakshumanan C., Panigrahi M.K..  2022.  Indian monsoon variability during the past ∼8.5 cal kyr as recorded in the sediments of the northeastern Arabian Sea. Quaternary International.
Jomelli V., Swingedouw D., Vuille M., Favier V., Goehring B., Shakun J., Braucher R., Schimmelpfennig I., Menviel L., Rabatel A. et al..  2022.  In-phase millennial-scale glacier changes in the tropics and North Atlantic regions during the HoloceneAbstract. Nature Communications. 13(1)
Han H, Na T, Cho H-M, Kim G, Hwang J.  2022.  Large fluxes of continental-shelf-borne dissolved organic carbon in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. Marine Chemistry. 240:104097.
Kuwae M, Tsugeki N, Finney BP, Tani Y, Onodera J, Kiyoto M, Kusaka M, Sagawa T, Nakamura Y, Ohnishi H et al..  2022.  Late Holocene centennial to millennial-scale variability in lower trophic level productivity off southern Hokkaido, Japan, and its response to dissolved iron-replete Coastal Oyashio dynamics. Quaternary Research. 107:27-42.
West G, Nilsson A, Geels A, Jakobsson M, Moros M, Muschitiello F, Pearce C, Snowball I, O’Regan M.  2022.  Late Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation in the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 23(5):1-21.
Logan B.  2022.  Late Woodland feasting and social networks in the lower Missouri River region. North American Archaeologist. 43(3):184-229.
Khan NS, Toth LT, Moyer RP, Shaw JE, Capar P, Kemp AC, Engelhart SE, Horton BP.  2022.  Mangrove Peat Radiocarbon Ages From Snipe and Swan Key, FL.
Barbato R.A., Jones R.M., Douglas T.A., Doherty S.J., Messan K., Foley K.L., Perkins E.J., Thurston A.K., Garcia-Reyero N..  2022.  Not all permafrost microbiomes are created equal: Influence of permafrost thaw on the soil microbiome in a laboratory incubation study. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 167:108605.
Gao Y, Salvatore MCristina, Xu Q, Yang L, Sun L, Xie Z, Baroni C.  2022.  The occupation history of the longest-dwelling Adélie penguin colony reflects Holocene climatic and environmental changes in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews. 284:107494.
Winkler TS, van Hengstum PJ, Donnelly JP, Wallace EJ, D'Entremont N, Hawkes AD, Maio CV, Sullivan RM, Woodruff JD.  2022.  Oceanic passage of hurricanes across Cay Sal Bank in The Bahamas over the last 530 years. Marine Geology. 443:106653.
Totten RL, Fonseca ANathanael, Wellner JSmith, Munoz YP, Anderson JB, Tobin TS, Lehrmann AA.  2022.  Oceanographic and climatic influences on Trooz Glacier, Antarctica during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews. 276:107279.
Broek TAB, Moreland KC, Ognibene TJ, McFarlane KJ, Brown TA.  2022.  Optimization of the LLNL/CAMS gas-accepting ion source and 1 MV compact AMS for natural abundance radiocarbon analysis of CO2. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 530:1–7.
Douglas MM, Li GK, Fischer WW, Rowland JC, Kemeny PC, A. West J, Schwenk J, Piliouras AP, Chadwick AJ, Lamb MP.  2022.  Organic carbon burial by river meandering partially offsets bank erosion carbon fluxes in a discontinuous permafrost floodplain. Earth Surface Dynamics. 10(3):421-435.
Jurgens BC, Faulkner K, McMahon PB, Hunt AG, Casile G, Young MB, Belitz K.  2022.  Over a third of groundwater in USA public-supply aquifers is Anthropocene-age and susceptible to surface contamination. Communications Earth & Environment. 3(1):1-9.
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Shervette VR, Hernández JMRivera.  2022.  Queen triggerfish Balistes vetula: Validation of otolith-based age, growth, and longevity estimates via application of bomb radiocarbon. PLOS ONE. 17(1):e0262281.
Patrut A, Bocos-Bintintan V, Patrut RT, Partila D, Ratiu I-A, Rakosy L, von Reden KF.  2022.  Radiocarbon dating of the historic Emperor’s Beech from Muncel, Baia de Aries, Romania. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia. 67:187–196.
Patrut A, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Rakosy D, Oliver W, Ratiu IA, Lowy DA, Shiimbi G, Woodborne S, von Reden KF.  2022.  Radiocarbon Investigation of the Historic African Baobabs of Omusati, Namibia. Forests. 13(11):1899.
Patrut A, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Ratiu I-A, Bodis J, Nassor NMahmoud, von Reden KF.  2022.  Radiocarbon investigation of two large African baobabs from Kizimkazi, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia. 67:143–153.
