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Book Chapter
Normark W.R, Piper D.JW, Romans B.W, Covault J.A, Dartnell P., Sliter R.W.  2007.  Submarine canyon and fan systems of the California Continental Borderland, Chapter 3-7. Earth Science in the Urban Ocean: The Southern California Contental Borderlands.
von Reden KF, Schneider RJ.  1999.  A Silent Tandetron AMS System. Symposium of North Eastern Accelerator Personnel, October 13-15, 1997, SNEAP XXXI. :61-68.
Braje TJ, Rick TC, DeLong RL, Erlandson JM.  2011.  Resilience and reorganization: Archaeology and the historical ecology of California Channel Island sea mammals. Human Impacts on Seals, Sea Lions, and Sea Otters.
Thompson W.B, Fowler B.K, Flanagan S.M, Dorion C.C.  1996.  Recession of the late Wisconsinan Ice Sheet from the northwestern White Mountains, New Hampshire (Book Section). New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook for Field Trips in Northern New Hampshire and Adjacent regions of Maine and Vermont. :203-234.
Buynevich I.V, Damušytė A., Bitinas A., Olenin S., Mažeika J., Petrošius R..  2011.  Pontic-Baltic pathways for invasive aquatic species: geoarchaeological implications. Geology and Geoarchaeology of the Black Sea Region: Beyond the Flood Hypothesis. :189-196.
Erlandson JM, Braje TJ, Rick TC, Davis T, Southon T.  2009.  A Paleocoastal Shell Midden at Seal Cave (CA-SMI-604), San Miguel Island, California. Proceedings of the Seventh California Islands Symposium. :33-42.
Erlandson JM, Braje TJ, Rick TC, Davis T, Southon T.  2009.  A Paleocoastal Shell Midden at Seal Cave (CA-SMI-604), San Miguel Island, California. Proceedings of the Seventh California Islands Symposium. :33-42.
Cronin T.M, Boomer I., Dwyer G.S, Rodriguez-Lazaro J..  2002.  Ostracoda and paleoceanography. American Geophysical Union Monograph - The Ostracoda: Applications in Quaternay Research.
Sommerfield C.K, Agston A.S, Mullenbach B.L, Drake D.E, Alexander C.R, Nittrouer C.A, Borgeld J.C, Wheatcroft R.A, Leithold E.L.  2007.  Oceanic dispersal and accumulation of river sediment. Continental-Margin Sedimentation: from Sediment Transport to Sequence Stratigraphy. IAS Special Publication:608.
Bond G.C, Showers W., Elliot M., Evans M., Lotti R., Hajdas I., Bonani G., Johnson S..  1999.  The North Atlantic's 1-2 kyr climate rhythm: Relation to Heinrich events, Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles and the Little Ice Age (Book Section). Mechanisms of global climate change at mellennial time scales. :35-58.
Kelly A.R, Dorion C.C, Balco G., Dieffenbacher-Krall A., Garrett P., Locke D., Tolman A..  2000.  Late Pleistocene and Holocene geological evolution of the central Penobscot River Valley: Surficial geology, geoarchaeology, and water supply (Book Section). Guidebook for Field Trips in Coastal and East-Central Maine: NEIGC 92nd Annual Meeting.
Kelly A.R, Dorion C.C, Balco G., Dieffenbacher-Krall A., Garrett P., Locke D., Tolman A..  2000.  Late Pleistocene and Holocene geological evolution of the central Penobscot River Valley: Surficial geology, geoarchaeology, and water supply (Book Section). Guidebook for Field Trips in Coastal and East-Central Maine: NEIGC 92nd Annual Meeting.
Weddle T.K, Lowell T.V, Dorion C.C.  1994.  Glacial geology of the Penobscot River basin between Millinocket and Medway (Book Section). New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook for Field Trips in North Central Maine. :193-212.
Dorion C.C, Kaplan M.R, Kreutz K.J, Balco G., Wright J., Borns, Jr. H.W.  2001.  The deglaciation of eastern Maine: in Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada. Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada.
Hine A.C, Brooks G.R, Mallinson D., Brunner C.A, James N.P, Feary D.A, Holbourn A.E, Drexler T.M, Howd P..  2002.  Data report: Australian Bight. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results. 182:1-24(online).
Mateo M.A, Cebrián J., Dunton K., Mutchler T..  2006.  Carbon flux in seagrass ecosystems. Seagrasses: Biology, Ecology and Conservation.. :157-191.
McNichol A.P, Druffel E.RM, Lee C..  1991.  Carbon cycling in coastal sediments: 2. An investigation of the sources of CO2 to pore water using carbon isotopes. Organic Substances and Sediments in Water, Processes and Analytical. 2:249-272.
Donnelly J.P, Iii WT.  2004.  Backbarrier sedimentary records of intense hurricane landfalls in the northeastern United States. Hurricanes and Typhoons: Past, Present, and Potential. :58-96.
McManus J.F, Oppo D.W, Cullen J.L, Healey S.L.  2003.  Analog for Holocene and future Climate? Geophysical Monograph 137, Earth's Climate and Orbital Eccentricity: The Marine Isotope State 11 Questions. :69-85.
Rick TC.  2009.  8000 Years of Human Settlement and Land Use in Old Ranch Canyon, Santa Rosa Island, California. Proceedings of the Seventh California Islands Symposium. :21-31.
