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S. M. Colman, Peck, J. A., B, K. E., Carter, S. J., Bradbury, J. P., King, J. W., and Williams, D. F., Continental climate response to orbital forcing from biogenic silica records in Lake Baikal, Siberia, Nature, vol. 378, pp. 769-771, 1995.
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L. A. Currie, Benner, Jr., B. A., Kessler, J. D., Klinedinst, D. B., Klouda, G. A., Marolf, J. V., Slater, J. F., Wise, S. A., Cachier, H., Cary, R., Chow, J. C., Watson, J., Druffel, E. R., Masiello, C. A., Eglinton, T. I., Pearson, A., Reddy, C. M., Gustafsson, O., Quinn, J. G., Hartmann, P. C., Hedges, J. I., Prentice, K. M., Kirchstetter, T. W., Novakow, T., Puxbaum, H., and Schmid, H., A Critical Evaluation of Interlaboratory Data on Total, Elemental, and Isotopic Carbon in the Carbonaceous Particle Reference Material, NIST SRM 1649a, J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol, vol. 107, no. 3, pp. 279-98, 2002.
L. A. Currie, Benner, Jr., B. A., Kessler, J. D., Klinedinst, D. B., Klouda, G. A., Marolf, J. V., Slater, J. F., Wise, S. A., Cachier, H., Cary, R., Chow, J. C., Watson, J., Druffel, E. R., Masiello, C. A., Eglinton, T. I., Pearson, A., Reddy, C. M., Gustafsson, O., Quinn, J. G., Hartmann, P. C., Hedges, J. I., Prentice, K. M., Kirchstetter, T. W., Novakow, T., Puxbaum, H., and Schmid, H., A Critical Evaluation of Interlaboratory Data on Total, Elemental, and Isotopic Carbon in the Carbonaceous Particle Reference Material, NIST SRM 1649a, J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol, vol. 107, no. 3, pp. 279-98, 2002.
