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Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Conference Paper
Leonard E, Resoner M.  1996.  Altithermal of the Canadian Rockies; timing and internal structure; evidence from lake sediments. 14th biennial meeting of the American Quaternary Association. 14:173.
Showers WJ, Genna B, Price P.  1995.  Amazon Continental Margin High Resolution Records of Western Tropical Atlantic circulation over the past 130 ky. International Conference of Paleoceanography.
Thomas E., Varekamp J.C, Thaler B., Sangiorgio F..  2005.  The American Mediterranean: the influence of human populations on the ecosystem of Long Island Sound. Living on the Edge. Abstract:10-11.
Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Cohen G.J, Jones G.A.  1992.  The AMS Accelerator at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Symposium of North Eastern Accelerator Personnel. :63-67.
von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Pearson A., Schneider R.J.  1998.  AMS measurement of. Sixteenth International Radiocarbon Conference. 40(1):247-253.
von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Peden J.C, Elder K.L, Gagnon A.R, Schneider R.J.  1997.  AMS measurements of the 14C distribution in the Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. B123:438-442.
von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J.  1996.  AMS measurements of the 14C distribution in the Pacific Ocean. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:125.
Gagnon A.R, Jones G.A.  1991.  AMS radiocarbon results obtained from graphite targets produced at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution between 1986 and 1991. 14th Internation Radiocarbon Conference. :198.
Longworth B.E, Raymond P.A, Petsch S.T.  2003.  Ancient organic matter sources to the Hudson-Mohawk River system: implications of riverine transport of ancient organic matter for the global biogeochemical. American Geophysical Union (AGU).
Schneider RJ, McNichol AP, von Reden KF, Elder KL, Gagnon AR, Key RM, Quay PD.  1999.  The Antarctic Radiocarbon Storage Ring. 8th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
Cooper S.R, Thomas E., Varekamp J.C, Sangiorgio F..  2004.  Anthropogenic eutrophication of Long Island Sound: effects on diatom communities through time. 7th Biennial Long Island Sound reserach conference proceedings.
Thomas E., Varekamp J.C, Thaler B., Acosta Z..  2004.  Anthropogenic influences on benthis foraminiferal faunas in Long Island Sound. 7th Biennial Long Island Sound reserach conference, Program and Abstracts.
Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Hayes J.M, Wills J.SC.  1999.  Application of a compact microwave ion source to radiocarbon analysis. The eighth international conference on heavy-ion accelerator technology. :422.
McNichol A.P, Jones G.A, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F.  1992.  Application of AMS to Oceanography: Progress at the National Ocean Sciences AMS Facility (abstract). AMS Symposium Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 203rd American Chemical Society National Meeting.
Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Hayes J.M, Wills J.SC.  1999.  Application of Compact Microwave Ion Source to Radiocarbon Analysis. 8th International Conference on Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology. Conference Proceedings 473:422-425.
Kelley AR.  2006.  Archaeological geology of the central Penobscot River Valley, Maine, USA. 2006 Philadelphia Annual Meeting.
R.A, Jr. K, Huntley J.W, Kowalewski M., Romanek C.R, Kaufmann D.S, Simoes M.G.  2007.  Assessing environmental factors associated with changes in the growth rate of a bivalve mollusk species through the Holocene. First International Sclerochronology Conference.
Barros A.P, Gordon S.J.  2002.  Assessing the linkages among climate variability, land-use change, and the sedimentary regime of the Upper Chesapeak Bay. Proceedings Coastal Environment 2002. :183-192.
Bauer J.E.  2005.  Assessing variability in the character and reactivity of DOM and POM delivered to the oceans by rivers and estuaries. Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Oceanography.
Wozniak A.S, Bauer J.E, Dickhut R.M, Keesee E.J.  2006.  Atmospheric fossil sources of river and estuarine organic carbon transported to the coastal ocean. Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Jackson ML.  2001.  The Beadmaker Site: A plains village site at Heart Butte Reservoir, North Dakota. 2001 Fall meeting of the North Dakota Archeological Association.
von Reden K.F, Griffin V.S, Roberts M.L.  2005.  Beam Profile Measurements for a MC-SNICS Source with Spherical Ionizer. 10th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
Abramson I., Thomas E., Varekamp J.C, Brink M.RBuchhol.  2002.  Benthic foraminifera in Long Island Sound as indicators of eutrophication. GSA Annual meeting. :384.
Giglio F., Frignani M., Langone L., Morigi C., Pianosi G., Ravaioli M..  1999.  Biogenic silica and organic carbon in sediments from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean.--Abstract. 8th International Symposium on Antarctic Earch Sciences. :119.
Giglio F., Langone L., Morigi C., Frignani M., Ravaioli M..  2001.  Biogenic silica and organic carbon in sediments from the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Earth Sciences at the close of a Millenium: Proceedings 8th International Symposium on Artarctic Earth Sciences. 8th:35.
