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Journal Article
Han B.X, Southon J.R, Roberts M.L, von Reden K.F.  2007.  Computer simulation of MC-SNICS for performance improvements. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 261(1-2):588-593.
McNichol A.P, von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, Jones G.A.  1994.  Constraints Imposed by Sample Preparation and Machine Operations. EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 75(3):197.
McIntyre C.P, Galutschek E., Roberts M.L, von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Jenkins W.J.  2010.  A Continuous-Flow Gas Chromatography C-14 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry System. Radiocarbon. 52(2):295-300.
van Dongen B.E, Semiletov I., Weijers J.WH, Gustafsson O.R.  2008.  Contrasting lipid biomarker composition of terrestrial organic matter exported from across the Eurasian Arctic by the five great Russian Arctic rivers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 22(1)
Cohen G.C, von Reden K.F.  1994.  Control and automation of the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel.
Vandergoes M.J, Dieffenbacher-Krall A.C, Newnham R.M, Denton G.H, Blaauw M..  2008.  Cooling and changing seasonality in the Southern Alps, New Zealand during the Antarctic Cold Reversal. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27(5-6):589-601.
Schneider RJ, McNichol AP, von Reden KF, Elder KL, Gagnon AR, Key RM, Quay PD.  1998.  A Correction for Aberrations in the Woods Hole Recombinator. Symposium of North-Eastern Accelerator Personnel. World Scientific. SNEAP 1996:123-128.
Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F.  1998.  A Correction for Aberrations in the Woods Hole Recombinator. Symposium of North-Eastern Accelerator Personnel. World Scientific. SNEAP 1996:123-128.
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Patrut A, Woodborne S, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Lowy DA, Hall G, von Reden KF.  2018.  The demise of the largest and oldest African baobabs. Nature Plants. 4(7):423-426.
von Reden KF, Roberts ML, McIntyre CP, Burton JR.  2011.  Design and reality: Continuous-flow accelerator mass spectrometry (CFAMS). Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology (ECAART10). 269(24):3176-3179.
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Winkler TS, van Hengstum PJ, Horgan MC, Donnelly JP, Reibenspies JH.  2016.  Detrital cave sediments record Late Quaternary hydrologic and climatic variability in northwestern Florida, USA. Sedimentary Geology. 335:51-65.
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Han B.X, von Reden K.F, Roberts M.L, Schneider R.J, Hayes J.M, Jenkins W.J.  2007.  Electromagnetic field modeling and ion optics calculations for a continuous-flow AMS system. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 259(1):111-117.
