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Winkler TS, van Hengstum PJ, Horgan MC, Donnelly JP, Reibenspies JH.  2016.  Detrital cave sediments record Late Quaternary hydrologic and climatic variability in northwestern Florida, USA. Sedimentary Geology. 335:51-65.
Milker Y, Nelson AR, Horton BP, Engelhart SE, Bradley L-A, Witter RC.  2016.  Differences in coastal subsidence in southern Oregon (USA) during at least six prehistoric megathrust earthquakes. Quaternary Science Reviews. 142:143-163.
Prajith A., V. Rao P, Chakraborty P..  2016.  Distribution, provenance and early diagenesis of major and trace metals in sediment cores from the Mandovi estuary, western India. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 170:173-185.
Adhikari PL, Maiti K, Overton EB, Rosenheim BE, Marx BD.  2016.  Distributions and accumulation rates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the northern Gulf of Mexico sediments. Environmental Pollution. 212:413-423.
Bikkina S, Andersson A, Sarin M.M, Sheesley R.J, Kirillova E., Rengarajan R., Sudheer A.K, Ram K., Gustafsson Ö.  2016.  Dual carbon isotope characterization of total organic carbon in wintertime carbonaceous aerosols from northern India. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 121(9):4797-4809.
Wycech J, D. Kelly C, Marcott S.  2016.  Effects of seafloor diagenesis on planktic foraminiferal radiocarbon ages. GEOLOGY. 44:551-554.
Brandon CM, Woodruff JD, Orton PM, Donnelly JP.  2016.  Evidence for elevated coastal vulnerability following large-scale historical oyster bed harvesting. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 41(8):1136-1143.
Lenz J, Wetterich S, Jones BM, Meyer H, Bobrov A, Grosse G.  2016.  Evidence of multiple thermokarst lake generations from an 11 800-year-old permafrost core on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Boreas. 45(4):584–603.
Kusch S, Rethemeyer J, Hopmans EC, Wacker L, Mollenhauer G.  2016.  Factors influencing 14C concentrations of algal and archaeal lipids and their associated sea surface temperature proxies in the Black Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 188:35-57.
Broder L, Tesi T, Salvad? JA, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV, Gustafsson?rjan.  2016.  Fate of terrigenous organic matter across the Laptev Sea from the mouth of the Lena River to the deep sea of the Arctic interior. Biogeosciences. 13(17):5003-5019.
Mil-Homens M, Vale C, Naughton F, Brito P, Drago T, Anes B, Raimundo J, Schmidt S, Caetano M.  2016.  Footprint of roman and modern mining activities in a sediment core from the southwestern Iberian Atlantic shelf. Science of The Total Environment. 571:1211-1221.
LeCount LJ, E. Wells C, Jamison TR, Mixter DW.  2016.  Geochemical characterization of inorganic residues on plaster floors from a Maya palace complex at Actuncan, Belize. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 5:453-464.
Broder L, Tesi T, Andersson A, Eglinton TI, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV, Roos P, Gustafsson?rjan.  2016.  Historical records of organic matter supply and degradation status in the East Siberian Sea. Organic Geochemistry. 91:16-30.
Govil P, Mazumder A, Asthana R, Tiwari A, Mishra R.  2016.  Holocene climate variability from the lake sediment core in Schirmacher Oasis region, East Antarctica: Multiproxy approach. Quaternary International. 425:453-463.
Reynard LM, Tuross N.  2016.  Hydrogen isotopic analysis with a chromium-packed reactor of organic compounds of relevance to ecological, archaeological, and forensic applications. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY. 30:1857-1864.
Middleton JL, Langmuir CH, Mukhopadhyay S, McManus JF, Mitrovica JX.  2016.  Hydrothermal iron flux variability following rapid sea level changes. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 43:3848-3856.
Etnier MA, Partlow MA, Foster NR.  2016.  Alutiiq Subsistence Economy at Igvak , a Russian-American Artel in the Kodiak Archipelago. Arctic Anthropology. 53(2):52-68.
Feranec RS, Kozlowski AL.  2016.  Implications of a Bayesian radiocarbon calibration of colonization ages for mammalian megafauna in glaciated New York State after the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Research. 85:262-270.
Kastelle CR, Helser TE, Wischniowski SG, Loher T, Goetz BJ, Kautzi LA.  2016.  Incorporation of bomb-produced 14C into fish otoliths: A novel approach for evaluating age validation and bias with an application to yellowfin sole and northern rockfish. Ecological Modelling. 320:79-91.
Alizai A, Clift PD, Still J.  2016.  Indus Basin sediment provenance constrained using garnet geochemistry. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 126:29-57.
Tomasovych A, Kidwell SM, Barber RFoygel.  2016.  Inferring skeletal production from time-averaged assemblages: skeletal loss pulls the timing of production pulses towards the modern period. PALEOBIOLOGY. 42:54-76.
van Hengstum PJ, Donnelly JP, Fall PL, Toomey MR, Albury NA, Kakuk B.  2016.  The intertropical convergence zone modulates intense hurricane strikes on the western North Atlantic margin. Scientific Reports. 6(1)
Beaupré SR, Mahmoudi N, Pearson A.  2016.  IsoCaRB: A novel bioreactor system to characterize the lability and natural carbon isotopic (C-14, C-13) signatures of microbially respired organic matter. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS. 14:668-681.
Jacobel A.W, McManus J.F, Anderson R.F, Winckler G..  2016.  Large deglacial shifts of the Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone. Nature Communications. 7:10449.
