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E. Thomas, Varekamp, J. C., Thaler, B., and Acosta, Z., Anthropogenic influences on benthis foraminiferal faunas in Long Island Sound, in 7th Biennial Long Island Sound reserach conference, Program and Abstracts, 2004.
E. Thomas, Varekamp, J. C., Acosta, Z., Thaler, B., Cooper, S., and Sangiorgio, F., Eutrophication of western Long Island Sound, GSA Annual Meeting, vol. Abstracts 36, no. 6, pp. 212-217, 2004.
E. Thomas, Varekamp, J. C., Mecray, E. L., Buchholtzten-Brink, M. R. L., Cooper, S., Brinkhuis, H., and Sangioirgio, F., Two ecological shifts in Long Island Sound during the industrial period, in Long Island Sound Research Center, Groton, CT, 2006.
E. K. Thomas, Briner, J. P., Ryan-Henry, J. J., and Huang, Y., A major increase in winter snowfall during the middle Holocene on western Greenland caused by reduced sea ice in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 5302 - 5308, 2016.
E. Thomas, Abramson, I., Varekamp, J. C., and Brink, M. R. Buchhol, Eutrophication of Long Island Sound as traced by benthic foraminifera, in Long Island Sound/NEERS Research Conference, Groton, CT, 2002.
E. Thomas, Varekamp, J. C., Thaler, B., and Groner, M., The urban sea: anthropogenic influences on benthic foraminifera in Long Island Sound, in IGC 32, Florence, Italy, 2004.
E. Thomas and Varekamp, J. C., Environmental impact on LIS from the early colonial society, in Long Island Sound Research Conference, Groton, CT, 2006.
C. J. Thomas, Blair, N. E., Alperin, M. J., DeMaster, D. J., Jahnke, R. A., Martens, C. S., and Mayer, L., Organic carbon deposition on the North Carolina continental slope off Cape Hatteras (USA), Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 49, no. 20, pp. 4687-4709, 2002.
L. G. Thompson, Mosley-Thompson, E., and Henderson, K. A., Ice Core Paleoclimate Records in Tropical South America Since the Last Glacial Maximum, Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 377-394, 2000.
L. G. Thompson, Mosley-Thompson, E., Davis, M. E., Zagorodnov, V. S., Howat, I. M., Mikhatenko, V. N., and Lin, P. - N., Annually Resolved Ice Core Records of Tropical Climate Variability over the Past similar to 1800 Years, SCIENCE, vol. 340, pp. 945-950, 2013.
W. B. Thompson, Fowler, B. K., and Dorion, C. C., Deglaciation of the northwestern White Mountains, New Hampshire, Geographie Physique Et Quaternaire, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 59-77, 1999.
L. G. Thompson, Davis, M. E., Mosley-Thompson, E., Sowers, T. A., Henderson, K. A., Zagorodnov, V. S., Lin, P., Mikhalenko, V. N., Campen, R. K., Bolzan, J. F., Cole-Dai, J., and Francou, B., A 25,000-year tropical climate history from bolivian ice cores, Science, vol. 282, no. 5395, pp. 1858-64, 1998.
L. G. Thompson, Ice core evidence for climate change in the Tropics: implications for our future, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 19, no. 1-5, pp. 19-35, 2000.
D. M. Thompson, Conroy, J. L., Collins, A., Hlohowskyj, S. R., Overpeck, J. T., Riedinger-Whitmore, M., Cole, J. E., Bush, M. B., Whitney, H., Corley, T. L., and Kannan, M. Steinitz, Tropical Pacific climate variability over the last 6000 years as recorded in Bainbridge Crater Lake, Galápagos, Paleoceanography, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 903 - 922, 2017.
L. G. Thompson, Severinghaus, J. P., Yao, T., Davis, M. E., Mosley-Thompson, E., Beaudon, E., M. Sierra-Hernández, R., and Porter, S. E., Use of δ18Oatm in dating a Tibetan ice core record of Holocene/Late Glacial climate, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 119, p. e2205545119, 2022.
W. B. Thompson, Griggs, C. B., Miller, N. G., Nelson, R. E., Weddle, T. K., and Kilian, T. M., Associated terrestrial and marine fossils in the late-glacial Presumpscot Formation, southern Maine, USA, and the marine reservoir effect on radiocarbon ages, Quaternary Research, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 552-565, 2011.
L. Thompson, 50,000-Year-Old Plant May Warn of Death of Tropical Ice Caps, Newswise, vol. 13 Dec. 2004, p. 2, 2004.
L. G. Thompson, Mosley-Thompson, E., Davis, M. E., Henderson, K. A., Brecher, H. H., Zagorodnov, V. S., Mashiotta, T. A., Lin, P. N., Mikhalenko, V. N., Hardy, D. R., and Beer, J., Kilimanjaro ice core records: evidence of holocene climate change in tropical Africa, Science, vol. 298, no. 5593, pp. 589-93, 2002.
L. G. Thompson, Mosley-Thompson, E., Brecher, H., Davis, M., Leon, B., Les, D., Lin, P. N., Mashiotta, T., and Mountain, K., Abrupt tropical climate change: past and present, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 103, no. 28, pp. 10536-43, 2006.
K. A. Thorn, Islam, A., and Kim, S., Characterization of the partial oxidation products of crude oil contaminating groundwater at the U.S. Geological Survey Bemidji research site in Minnesota by elemental analysis, radiocarbon dating, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and Fourier tran, U.S. Geological Survey , Reston VA, 2022-1042, 2022.
D. J. R. Thornalley, Bauch, H. A., Gebbie, G., Guo, W., Ziegler, M., Bernasconi, S. M., Barker, S., Skinner, L. C., and Yu, J., A warm and poorly ventilated deep Arctic Mediterranean during the last glacial period, Science, vol. 349, no. 6249, pp. 706-710, 2015.
D. J. R. Thornalley, Barker, S., Broecker, W. S., Elderfield, H., and I. McCave, N., The Deglacial Evolution of North Atlantic Deep Convection, SCIENCE, vol. 331, pp. 202-205, 2011.
D. J. R. Thornalley, Blaschek, M., Davies, F. J., Praetorius, S., Oppo, D. W., McManus, J. F., Hall, I. R., Kleiven, H., Renssen, H., and McCave, I. N., Long-term variations in Iceland–Scotland overflow strength during the Holocene, Climate of the Past, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 2073 - 2084, 2013.
R. E. Thresher and Neil, H., Scale dependence of environmental and physiological correlates of δ18O and δ13C in the magnesium calcite skeletons of bamboo corals (Gorgonacea; Isididae), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 187, pp. 260 - 278, 2016.
F. Tian, Toon, O. B., Pavlov, A. A., and De Sterck, H., A hydrogen-rich early Earth atmosphere, Science, vol. 308, no. 5724, pp. 1014-7, 2005.
