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Radiocarbon, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 425-518, 1996.
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R. M. Key and Toggweiler, J. R.,
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R. M. Key and D, Q. P.,
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R. M. Key,
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Radiocarbon, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 415-423, 1996.
R. M. Key,
“P16S17S TUNES-2 final report for AMS 14C samples”,
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R. M. Key, Quay, P. D., Schlosser, P., McNichol, A. P., von Reden, K. F., Schneider, R. J., Elder, K. L., Stuiver, M., and Ostlund, H. G.,
“WOCE radiocarbon IV: Pacific Ocean results; P10, P13N, P14C, P18, P19 & S4P”,
Radiocarbon, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 239-392, 2002.
R. M. Key,
“P17N Final report for AMS 14C samples”,
Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rep., vol. 98, no. 1, p. 16, 1998.
R. M. Key,
“P17N Final report for large volume samples”,
Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rep., vol. 96, no. 11, p. 21, 1996.
R. M. Key and Toggweiller, J. R.,
“The Deep-water Radiocarbon Minimum in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean; Early WOCE Results”,
EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union; Ocean Sciences Mtg., San Diego, Feb.21-25, 1994, vol. 75, no. 3, p. 182, 1994.